Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mulholland Drive/ David Lynch

Have you ever heard of something being "Lynchian"? This term has been coined after the film maker David Lynch. He is uncanny for presenting material that seems like it makes no sense. My first taste of him was when I watched "The Elephant Man". This film actually had a linear moving plot. Mulholland Drive, on the other hand, does not. This is not a movie for someone that wants an easy to follow plot. It jumps around, introduces characters you rarely see, and seem to have no relation to anything else. I have not read up on any analysis of the movie yet, so it is hard to form my own interpretation.
My understanding is that there are parts of the plot that are reality, dreams, and even hallucinations. I would have to go back and watch it again to try to place the scenes linearly in my mind. I have been trying to do that mentally, but there are still some parts I cannot account for. The guy who is apparently meeting with his psychiatrist at the beginning and then sees the monster thing jump out behind the dumpster, makes no sense to me. Then this creature shows up later, and so does the guy, and I'm still trying to figure that one out.
What about the random paralyzed guy who seems to be extremely powerful who is in that dark room with a guard at the door. He makes decisions about films to be produced and made in hollywood I guess, but we never here him speak. The short scenes with him are perfect "lynchian" examples. As well as the awkward scene of the old couple creepily smiling after they drop off Betty (Naomi Watts).
The part with the hit man who screws up is just really hilarious. This was the actor who played Jacob in the series Lost by the way. Billy Ray Cyrus was funny as well.
The "Cowboy" is still confusing the snot out of me, I don't get him at all. I'm pretty sure I have the whole thing down with Betty and Rita.
This post will not make any sense unless you have seen the movie, and even if you have seen the movie it will probably not make any sense. Just take away that David Lynch is surrealist artist, and his medium is film, not paint.
Next movie up from him will be Eraserhead, which I look to tackle in the next couple of weeks. I did see part of "Twin Peaks: Fire burn within me" once on the IFC. I hardly remember it.

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